
What Vitamins and Minerals are Best for your Teeth?

Our body has an amazing system that links one part to another – this includes its maintenance and survival. Like how teeth – although not a part of – play quite a role in the digestive system. [Teeth are by the way part of the skeletal system]. This idea follows the same principle as with the nutrients, minerals, or vitamins that we take into our body. And while vitamins and minerals may have specific benefits to our health and well-being that we are already aware of, here’s a list of different vitamins and minerals that your oral health needs most plus on which foods they can be found.

Vitamin A

Aside from or being associated with carrots or being essentially good for your eyesight, vitamin A also keeps the saliva supply flowing in your mouth – essential in naturally cleaning your teeth by getting rid of destructive bacteria and food particles from between teeth and gums. 

Vitamin A also keeps healthy mucous membranes that coat your gums and cheeks that as a result, make them less susceptible to disease. 

Vitamin A can also be found in other orange fruits and vegetables such as [bell] peppers and sweet potatoes.  Also present in dark leafy greens like spinach, collard greens, and kale.

image of vegetables rich in Vitamin A and good for teeth- Liberty Dentists

B Vitamins

B vitamins particularly niacin and riboflavin are best to prevent mouth sores and oral inflammation. It is best to include more of these vitamins into your diet when you are frequently getting canker sores or inflammation in the gums or tongue. To better address these cases, see your dentist as soon as possible. Dairy products, poultry, fish, spinach, legumes, almonds, and red meats are all rich in B vitamins.

Vitamin C

Aside from keeping our immune system strong, vitamin C is also essential in keeping the connective tissues of your gums strong. Vitamin C deficiency weakens the tissues that are supposed to hold the teeth securely in place, teeth may tend to loosen, may cause bleeding of the gum which will eventually become a bigger problem – gum disease. 

Before it becomes a problem, make it a habit to consume enough vitamin C which can be found in many citrus fruits such as orange, kiwi, lemon, guava, grapefruit, and vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower. Other fruits that are rich in vitamin C include papaya, cantaloupe, and strawberries.


Calcium is one mineral that is very essential in keeping the teeth healthy. It strengthens the enamel – teeth’s defense against erosion and cavities.  Furthermore, calcium is very crucial in the body, in the bones particularly. Not enough consumption of this mineral will make the body to automatically take the calcium it needs directly from the bones which, as a result, takes a toll on its strength. 

To prevent anything like that to happen, it is best to incorporate enough calcium content in your diet. Green leafy vegetables, broccoli, sardines, almonds, legumes, oysters are all the best sources of calcium.


Phosphorus can be considered as calcium’s best friend in such a way that for calcium to fully absorb into the body and promote notable bone health, it needs to be paired with phosphorus.  This can also be one reason why most dairy products contain both phosphorus and calcium together. 

Foods that are high in phosphorus are milk, cheese, yogurt, red meat, beans, nuts, and whole grains. Make sure to include these foods in your diet to maximize calcium consumption and get the most of its benefits.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D goes along with Phosphorus in promoting high absorption of calcium.  Vitamin D deficiency may lead to underdeveloped teeth, gum disease, and tooth decay.

Naturally, you can get enough vitamin D from sunlight on your skin. Foods that are rich in vitamin D include the following: milk, eggs, fish, cod liver oil, salmon, mackerel, and tuna.



Fluoride is quite common in dental practice and in fact usually used by dentists and in most kinds of toothpaste as a treatment to fight against tooth and gum decay. It helps promote remineralization of tooth enamel, and acts as a protective outer coating of teeth. Drinking tap water, consuming black tea and more seafood interestingly lets you include fluoride in your diet. 

Important reminder: While it is good to have every vitamins and minerals, some might react to your body inappropriately. Just be mindful of what you take into your body. Lastly, it’s always to consult your doctor for the best prescription.

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